She watches over the ways of her household,
And does not eat the bread of idleness.

Proverbs 31:27

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Broth of Life

Today the roaster is full of beef bones roasting away.  Smells like we're going to have roast beef for dinner but actually it will be something much better.  It will be bone broth.  I've mentioned bone broth before but that was chicken broth.  Bone broth is in fact a really big part of our meals here at This Little Egg.  The broth you buy at the grocery can't touch this stuff.  This is made from bones, apple cider vinegar is used to draw out the minerals and herbs and vegetables also flavor and enhance the nutritional quality.  The bones I use are from 100% grass fed cows or our own backyard pastured chickens.

I haven't shared before on one page my guidelines for our diet, but it is not long at all.  At the time that I began to change the way I feed my family I was completely overwhelmed.  I felt that I had been lied to and thoroughly deceived.  The good man of the house encouraged me to change one thing at a time and just do the research and find things.  Can you imagine my trip to the grocery store after I learned to read labels.  I came home with nothing.  I told him that I didn't know what was edible anymore it's mostly written in another language. 

Recently, after I attended the computer summit on Oral Health which also included whole body health I put together a map for myself and my family.  I'm going to share it with you but I don't want you to think that it is the gospel on food.  I believe that every family needs to take responsibility for their own food choices while learning as much from each other as we can.  I read things and hear things and then I keep some and discard others.  Somethings are great but I would have trouble practicing them, and other things fit right away.  It has taken several years for me to narrow down a plan.  Simple is best for me.  I'm not a doctor or a nutritionist or author of any book.  Nor am I an authority on diets and lifestyles.  I can barely remember one part of the day to the next so I need it to be simple.  I have read about local diets, caveman diets, gluten free and nut free and meat free and only meat etc., etc.  What I have written down is the best and most practical for my family.

Taking into account the blessings of modern technology, mostly the fridge/freezer and electricity I want to go back to how we would have eaten before the industrialization of food.

I live in West Central Ohio.

NO hydrogenated oils
NO high fructose corn syrup
NO MSG or anything manufactured in a lab somewhere.
NO processed food other than what I processed myself

Locally raised and naturally fed (grass for cows etc.) animals and fowl wild or domestic.
Locally caught wild fish.
Locally or home grown berries, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains and herbs
Fats from the above mentioned animals and fowls
Sweets from local fruit, honey and maple syrup.
A few essentials brought in from surrounding area.

Spice, salt etc. brought in by local merchants. 

This is my guideline.  This provides me with adequate options and within these defines I have a ton to learn.

I'm happy I don't depend on any big name brand or any brand for my daily food.

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