On Sunday we harvested 7 roosters. It seems a little odd for the first post to talk about harvesting roosters. In my corner we raise chickens for eggs and also for our own meat. Harvesting 7 in one day is a new record for my husband and I. Everything went smoothly with little time for lag. Last year I was so tired after just three and I pushed myself to get a fourth one done. I would need a whole day to recover. Not this year I'm so happy and thankful to report. On Monday morning I put two of them in the crockpot for a dinner party that evening.
"Oh, I'm sorry we don't eat that kind of food."
But we don't.
As it turns out we invited everyone to our place for dinner. No one was going to ask us to invite them and cook for them. I'm not sure why it took me so long to figure that out or why I stressed about being invited out. Everyone was excited about coming to our house and hanging out and eating at our leisure in the privacy of our own family home, not to mention the savings on their pocket books. My husband suggested throwing two roosters into the crockpot. I was impressed with him, not because of his generosity, he's always been that, but because he was willing to eat chicken so soon after harvesting. He has consistently worked on our system and set up and apparently it's working. My health is improving too and I am much stronger than I had been. This means I'm much more helpful this year.

(hint hint little sister)
Anyway the rice vinegar did exactly the same thing. I salted and peppered and generously sprinkled the top with curry powder and sliced an onion to spread over the top.
It cooked on high for 5 - 6 hours.
It cooked on high for 5 - 6 hours.

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