She watches over the ways of her household, And does not eat the bread of idleness.
Proverbs 31:27
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Thankful for My Spot
This morning I decided that I am not doing a very good job of staying on my housecleaning schedule. I'll admit that I was feeling a little bad about it. Later in the day I sat down to fold some laundry and my thoughts turned to finding a reason. Was it only last Saturday that I decided to clean the outside of my house? It was a rare beautiful day and I swept the siding with a broom and washed the outside windows and all the North facing walls got their green scrubbed off. The wall on the deck side was not getting out of a good wash either. I finished up the job on Sunday afternoon and rearranged the deck for the winter. Monday I decided to cut up and cook a huge pumpkin. A pumpkin so big I couldn't lift it. It was a lengthy job, cutting it and cleaning it and then cooking and pureeing. All in all I got 50 cups. The next day I made my very first pumpkin soup. Of course I had to forget the nutmeg but I promised to try again another time and make it delectable. It was a new taste for us, but we practice trying new tastes especially local flavors which this pumpkin is. Tuesday night just as we were getting ready for bed Mark discovered a very large owl in the rooster pen. He had killed one rooster already but flew away when Mark interrupted him. We had to go and put up extra netting across the front wall to make sure he couldn't get in if he came back which we were pretty sure he would. On Wednesday we harvested the remaining nine roosters. We started at 2:00pm and ended at 6:30pm. That was the best time we had made yet. I know the owl got the leader of the flock. His name was King and he was extremely protective of the others. I can just imagine him standing guard between the owl and the other roosters, even charging. That was his attitude. He gave his life to protect. Bless his heart. Today I was setting about the job of cutting up all that chicken and getting it into the freezer. I was on my second and Mark said he thought I should take the rest of the day off. I was happy to oblige and decided to leave the rest for tomorrow. Anyway I had ironing to do and clothes to fold and put away and a house to straighten up. I thought maybe to throw a batch of cookies together which I may just do yet, but first I had to write. So many things to write about and not much time to do it. The house may be a little neglected and projects lined up to be finished but life is good, rather life is great and I'm thankful for my little spot.
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